It was great to see so many of The Astrologist owners finally get together and celebrate the big boys
win in the 1.5 Mil Gold Rush on Tuesday afternoon at Malua Racing Stables Flemington.
Many owners took the time to travel far and wide and were thrilled to see Astro parade in such
great condition.
The special edition Astro Lager went down a treat in toasting his great win and
Astro lapped up all the attention posing for photos with his proud owners. 
The beautiful Gold trophy and sash won by The Astrologist were on hand and were also the subject
of a great photo opportunity for owners. 
During the afternoon Troy Corstens gave a run-down of possible targets for The Astrologist from the
Gold Coast to Dubai.
A great afternoon enjoyed by many. 
Special thanks to the Team at Malua for hosting the celebration and also to Willie Pikes racing
manager who made the trip over.
Also, thanks to Fellow Astro owner Dave Mullen who organized the Astro Lager of which over 170
cartons were sold.